Your Team Needs the WHY to Crush Goals

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Your Team Needs the WHY to Crush Goals

business ceo culture culture creation leadership mindset Jun 13, 2024

We've all set SMART goals before -

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.

As leaders, we painstakingly define the "what" and "how" of goals. But there's one crucial step we often miss - the WHY…. Specifically, delivering the WHY to those around you.  You might know the why, but they (your team) may not.

Sharing your vision (and "WHY") behind goals is key to engaging your team fully. Without relaying why goals matter, you alone carry the weight of bringing them to life. When people don't see the relevance, goals remain yours, not theirs.

I learned this lesson firsthand back in 2003, when I traveled to Australia with the Canadian Men’s National Volleyball Team. As their strength coach, I crafted diligent training plans to optimize performance on our exhibition tour against the Aussies. But the players were exhausted from prior training and jet-lagged from such a significant time change. They needed something more meaningful beyond the itinerary of the next training and match.

 So I brought the team together and walked them through our overall annual and seasonal plans. I pointed out each phase, showing how short-term fatigue and challenges were crucial steps toward long-term performance gains. I painted a vivid picture of how they would feel at each stage, and where we were ultimately headed.

Suddenly the players understood the vision. They saw why temporary discomfort was worthwhile to achieve eventual SUPER compensation. This bought them into fully executing the training, even when fatigued. They trusted the plan’s purpose.

Just like with elite sport on an Olympic cycle, leaders must inspire their teams by illustrating how goals serve a greater purpose. I see this repeatedly with seasoned leaders. They know exactly what the goal is but may have failed at sharing it clearly with others.

Even if goals don't involve them directly, share your WHY. When people grasp your vision and purpose, they contribute actively. Obstacles become group challenges to conquer.

VICTORIES belong to ALL.


The WHY provides meaning and emotional fuel to persist. It transforms passive team members into ardent evangelists of your mission. Enrol your team into possibilities by relaying:

  • How goals enrich lives
  • The future vision you aim to create
  • Difference goals will make for the organization
  • How achievement will feel

With a shared "WHY", your team owns goals as their own. They measure progress, take initiative and make goals an inevitable reality.

Unlock your team’s potential - inspire them with WHY.

Together, you’ll accomplish more than you dreamed possible.


For more on this topic, listen in to the Empowered Team Podcast episode 262 "YOUR TEAM NEEDS THE "WHY" TO CRUSH GOALS"

For more Conscious Leadership Team development connect with Kari Schneider here.


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