Redefining Success: Creating Clarity to Optimize Performance
Jan 19, 2025What does success really mean to you?
Many of us have an engrained idea of success from societal norms or past aspirations.
But as we grow and evolve, our definition of success often becomes outdated without us even realizing it.
This can lead to feeling unmotivated or living an unfulfilled life even while seemingly accomplishing traditional markers of "SUCCESS."
In a recent episode of the Empowered Team Podcast, Kari Schneider tackles why it's so important to get clear on your own personal definition of success. As they explain, when our definition is misaligned with our current values and priorities in life, we lose our sense of meaning and purpose.
We have to dig deep and redefine success from WITHIN.
Some key insights from the episode:
- Success is completely subjective - it means something different to every person. Don't let others impose their definition of success on you.
- Life changes cause our definition of success to change-Don't keep chasing old measures of success that no longer fit.
- Get clarity on what success in key areas - career, relationships, health, personal growth, etc. - looks like for you right now.
To create this clarity, Kari guides you to ask yourself powerful questions:
- What does optimal performance look like for me in my career and life right now?
- What milestones will help me feel fulfilled in my relationships?
- How do I envision success in my health and fitness goals at this stage of life?
- What does personal growth mean for me today?
Listen into the podcast for more detailed steps and questions to gain complete clarity. As you reflect on the answers, dig for the deeper 'why' behind your definition of success. Connect it to your core values. Having clarity of purpose fuels motivation and achievement.
Redefining success is an ongoing process as we grow and life circumstances change. Take time to check in periodically to realign your definition of success with your current aspirations.
You hold the POWER to define success for yourself.
To hear more on recalibrating your definition of success as life evolves, be sure to check out the full episode here [insert link].
Now get out there and reclaim what success means to you today!
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